Swedish bransch of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, IGSHPA

What is IGSHPA Sweden?
IGSHPA is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the use of Ground Source Heat Pumps. IGSHPA was established in 1987 and it is today growing to an international level through the creation of so called IGSHPA Chapters.
Sweden has had contact with IGSHPA during many years. IGSHPAs founder, Professor James Bose, cooperated with our research advisor Palne Mogensen during the 80s. Dr. José Acuña has, since his time as PhD student, participated in IGSHPA activites and has become aware of IGSHPAs international potential. The reciprocal contact that José has built up with IGSHPA headquarters and some researchers in USA gave succesively birth to the idea of building a Swedish IGSHPA chapter. This video shows our latest presentation at the IGSHPA Conference in Denver.
We KTH, together with the Swedish Avanti drillers association, are as founders proud to promote IGSHPA through our Swedish chapter, IGSHPA Sweden, a platform and a channel to promote know-how, research, experience feedback, export and innovation. Having its seat at KTHs department of energy technology, gives IGSHPA a solid ground to establish roots in Sweden.
Our constantly strives for bringing our students and researchers in closer contact with real applications. We believe IGSHPA Sweden is a fantastic channel for building bridges between the academy and the industry. We welcome all Swedish actors to be part of this exciting project, IGSHPA Sweden.
The video shown below gives a brief introduction to what IGSHPA is. For more info about how to join IGSHPA Sweden please click here . For more info about IGSHPA, visit www.igshpa.org