Rector's decision on Distant Examination

Published May 14, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the President has decided that distance examination will be implemented for all examinations that take place during the period 2020-04-14 – 08-22 (V-2020-0273). The decision applies to preparatory, first and second-cycle education.
Some important facts :
- Exams up until 22 August 2020 to be held online. (All teachers are invited to attend the exam invigilation training on next Wednesday, May 20 - check your outlook for the invitation).
- KTH is recommending home exams as first hand for these exams and alternatively digital exams with Zoom monitoring.
- Examiners are recommended to inform the students of the method of the exam at least one week in advance and hold a mock exam so that everybody knows what to do during the exam date.
- When setting the time for the exams, examiners are requested to consider the administration time such as scanning work to be done the student.
KTH's recommendations on distance examination in English
The Rector's decision in Swedish is attached to the Swedish version of this page