Articles in Kyla & Värme
Non-peer reviewed articles on refrigerants, published as a standing column in the technical journal Kyla & Värme are found here:
Articles for Kyla & Värme in Swedish
Articles for Kyla & Värme in English
Publications by the division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration
A. T. Mossie et al.,
"Energy demand flexibility potential in cement industries: How does it contribute to energy supply security and environmental sustainability?,"
Applied Energy, vol. 377, 2025.
A. Shahcheraghian, A. Ilinca and N. Sommerfeldt,
"K-means and agglomerative clustering for source-load mapping in distributed district heating planning,"
Energy Conversion and Management : X, vol. 25, 2025.
K. Walther, M. Molinari and K. Voss,
"Controls of HVAC systems in digital twins – comparative framework and case study on the performance gap,"
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-18, 2025.
L. Battagliarin et al.,
"Students’ Cognitive Performance in Different Acoustic Conditions at Different Educational Stages,"
in Multiphysics and Multiscale Building Physics - Proceedings of the 9th International Building Physics Conference IBPC 2024: Indoor Air Quality IAQ, Lighting and Acoustics, 2025, pp. 392-398.
Y. Dong et al.,
"High temperature heat pump with dual uses of cooling and heating for industrial applications,"
Applied Energy, vol. 379, 2025.
F. Beltrán et al.,
"Cold solar : PVT heat exchanger designs for heat pump integration,"
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 261, 2025.
S. Rana, N. Sommerfeldt and J. M. Pearce,
"Best practices of techno-economic methods for solar photovoltaic coupled heat pump analysis in cold climates,"
Energy and Buildings, vol. 328, 2025.
P. Fagrell and J. Anund Vogel,
"Building The Future : Unveiling Educational and Competence Demands for Smart and Sustainable Buildings,"
Civil engineering research journal, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024.
A. Shahcheraghian, H. Madani Larijani and A. Ilinca,
"From White to Black-Box Models : A Review of Simulation Tools for Building Energy Management and Their Application in Consulting Practices,"
Energies, vol. 17, no. 2, 2024.
C. Pourier, F. Beltran and N. Sommerfeldt,
"Solar photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) technology collectors and free cooling in ground source heat pump systems,"
Solar Energy Advances, vol. 4, 2024.
K. Bäcklund, P. Lundqvist and M. Molinari,
"Showcasing a Digital Twin for Higher Educational Buildings : Developing the Concept Towards Human Centricity,"
Frontiers in Built Environment, vol. 10, 2024.
G. J. F. Barbero, M. Basquens and E. J. S. Villasenor,
"Euclidean self-dual gravity : Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing,"
Physical Review D : covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, vol. 109, no. 6, 2024.
C. Zhang et al.,
"Multi-agent simulation of the effects of Japanese electricity market policies on the low-carbon transition,"
Energy Strategy Reviews, vol. 52, 2024.
K. Bäcklund,
"Human-Centric Operations of Smarter Higher Educational Buildings in Sweden,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2024:9, 2024.
M. G. Wolde et al.,
"A life cycle assessment of clinker and cement production in Ethiopia,"
Cleaner Environmental Systems, vol. 13, 2024.
J. Anund Vogel, H. Lind and C. Holm,
"A Note on Developing A New Type of Construction Contracts to Promote New Technologies and Sustainability,"
Civil Engineering Research Journal, vol. 14, no. 5, 2024.
B. Francisco et al.,
"Empirical investigation of solar photovoltaic-thermal collectors for heat pump integration,"
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 248, 2024.
M. Caramaschi et al.,
"Natural refrigerant mixtures in low-charge heat pumps: An analysis of the potential for performance enhancements,"
International journal of refrigeration, vol. 165, pp. 70-83, 2024.
M. Basquens et al.,
"Spacetime symmetries and geometric diffusion,"
Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 57, no. 28, 2024.
S. Gulshan et al.,
"Kinetic investigation on the catalytic pyrolysis of plastic fractions of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE): A mathematical deconvolution approach,"
Waste Management, vol. 187, pp. 156-166, 2024.
K. Bäcklund, O. Vigren and J. Carlsson,
"Implementing digital innovations : Overcoming organizational challenges,"
Developments in the Built Environment, vol. 18, 2024.
Y. Song et al.,
"Development and validation of data-driven soft sensors for heat pumps,"
in Volume 41: Energy Transitions toward Carbon Neutrality: Part IV, 2024.
V. La Torre Rapp, J. Knutsson and J. Wallin,
"Stakeholder-driven development of a decision support framework targeting sustainable water supply systems,"
Energy Reports, vol. 12, pp. 2306-2320, 2024.
C. Zhang et al.,
"Environmental Awareness and Social Sustainability: Insights from an Agent-Based Model with Social Learning and Individual Heterogeneity,"
Sustainability, vol. 16, no. 17, 2024.
Y. Song et al.,
"Innovative approaches to overcome inadequate measurements in heat pumps with non-fluorinated refrigerants,"
Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 319, 2024.
Y. Song,
"Data-Driven Strategies for Heat Pump Systems : A journey from inadequate data towards knowledge-based services,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2024:18, 2024.
I. Aparisi-Cerdá et al.,
"Panel or check? Assessing the benefits of integrating households in energy poverty into energy communities,"
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 71, 2024.
L. R. Payonga et al.,
"Generic Definition and Information Model for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS),"
in 2024 Open Source Modelling And Simulation Of Energy Systems, Osmses 2024, 2024.
S. Gulshan et al.,
"Performance analysis and production of aromatics for ex situ catalytic pyrolysis of engineered WEEE,"
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 179, 2024.
J. Marchante-Avellaneda et al.,
"A novel methodology for map-based model fitting : A case study with a Dual Source Heat Pump experimental dataset,"
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 254, 2024.
D. Steuer et al.,
"Thermal energy export from supermarket refrigeration systems: Drivers and barriers,"
Energy Reports, vol. 12, pp. 5875-5885, 2024.
A. Santos et al.,
"Air Conditioning System Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage for Buildings in Tropical Climates,"
Processes, vol. 12, no. 11, 2024.
M. Farjadnia et al.,
"Robust Data-Driven Tube-Based Zonotopic Predictive Control with Closed-Loop Guarantees,"
in 2024 Conference on Decision and Control, 2024.
M. Matsuura et al.,
"Deep JWST/NIRCam imaging of Supernova 1987A,"
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 532, no. 4, pp. 3625-3642, 2024.
S. Azizi et al.,
"Life Cycle Assessment of Digitalization in Buildings : The Case of a Building Monitoring System,"
in 2024 10th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2024.
N. Sommerfeldt and M. Höjer,
"The Potential and Limits of Digital Energy Advisors,"
in Proceedings - 2024 10th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2024, 2024, pp. 346-356.
A. Abdi and H. Rastan,
"Experimental comparative analysis of close-contact and constrained melting of n-eicosane in a finned rectangular cavity,"
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 219, 2023.
N. Sommerfeldt and J. M. Pearce,
"Can grid-tied solar photovoltaics lead to residential heating electrification? : A techno-economic case study in the midwestern US,"
Applied Energy, vol. 336, 2023.
M. Molinari et al.,
"Using living labs to tackle innovation bottlenecks: the KTH Live-In Lab case study,"
Applied Energy, vol. 338, pp. 120877-120877, 2023.
W. Mazzotti et al.,
"Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification for Single-Ended Raman-Based Distributed Temperature Sensing : Case Study in a 800 m Deep Coaxial Borehole Heat Exchanger,"
Sensors, vol. 23, no. 12, 2023.
A. Konig-Haagen et al.,
"Analysis of the discharging process of latent heat thermal energy storage units by means of normalized power parameters,"
Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 72, 2023.
M. L. Fasci et al.,
"Temperature of energy boreholes accounting for climate change and the built environment - A new model for its estimation,"
Renewable energy, vol. 202, pp. 1479-1496, 2023.
M. Farjadnia et al.,
"Robust Data-Driven Predictive Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems Using Reachability Analysis,"
in European Control Conference 2023, 13 - 16 June, 2023, Bucharest, Romania, 2023.
D. Nilsson et al.,
"Is on-property heat and greywater recovery a sustainable option? A quantitative and qualitative assessment up to 2050,"
Energy Policy, vol. 182, pp. 113727, 2023.
M. L. Fascì,
"Thermal Interference Between Neighbouring Ground-Source Heat Pumps : Tools to Calcualte it and Solutions to Limit it,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2023:19, 2023.
S. Thanasoulas, J. Arias Hurtado and S. Sawalha,
"Investigating the heating and air conditioning provision capability of a supermarket to neighboring buildings : Field measurement analysis and economic evaluation,"
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 230, 2023.
P. Blomkvist et al.,
"Entrepreneurship and alignment work in the Swedish water and sanitation sector,"
Technology in society, vol. 74, 2023.
M. Ignatowicz and B. Palm,
"Experimental investigation of thermophysical properties of ethylene glycol based secondary fluids,"
International journal of refrigeration, vol. 155, pp. 137-153, 2023.
M. Farjadnia et al.,
"Robust data-driven predictive control of unknown nonlinear systems using reachability analysis,"
European Journal of Control, 2023.
E. Mejia-Solis, J. Arias Hurtado and B. Palm,
"Simple solutions for improving thermal comfort in huts in the highlands of Peru,"
Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 10, 2023.