SIM4NEXUS project consortium meets online for last project meeting
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the meeting, which was initially planned to take place in Vienna, was carried out via teleconference.
With the SIM4NEXUS project approaching its last months, the consortium met for its last project meeting on 25 and 26 of March. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the meeting, which was initially planned to take place in Vienna, was carried out via teleconference. Around 50 participants from the 25 partner institutions connected online. As customary, an overview of the work developed in each work packaged was presented with emphasis on the ongoing tasks and coming deliverables. Partners also had the opportunity to explore and learn more about the current versions of the Serious Games and discuss policy recommendations. One day of meetings was held with Work Packages leads and co-leads and the External Advisory Board, on March 27. Read more about the project and play the Serious Game on the website:
. Prof. Viktoria Martin, Eunice Ramos, Agnese Beltramo and Hauke Henke represented KTH - division of Energy Systems in the project meeting.
(Photo credits: Dimitris Kofinas, UTH)