News EGI
Energy students present their work at the Legionella information day
Published Apr 30, 2021Jennie Lindblom and Linnea Persson, our 2020 KEX Students, have presented their work at Legionella information day hosted by Säker Vatten (an organization with focus on safe water installations in bui...
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Being relevant is key to dissemination
Published Apr 07, 2021The energy field can make large contributions to a sustainable future – which is the reason why Björn Palm from Department of Energy Technology goes to work every morning. Being relevant to the indust...
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Per Lundqvist - new Vice President for Sustainability
Published Mar 29, 2021Per Lundqvist from EGI has become the new Vice President for Sustainable Development at KTH
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“I want my research to matter”
Published Mar 17, 2021He is passionate about sustainable development. Francesco Fuso Nerini’s motive to make his work known to others is simple: to make a difference. ”As researchers we have a duty to produce quality resea...
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Accelerating the transition to clean and modern cooking for the 3 billion people without access
Photo credit: Youssef Boulkaid Published Mar 10, 2021More than 3 billion people worldwide still do not have access to clean cooking, which results in around 4 million premature deaths annually related to household air pollution (WHO, 2018), and in a num...
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Open position as Industrial PhD student at NIBE
Published Feb 23, 2021One of Europe’s leading manufacturers of heat pumps, NIBE, together with Electricité de France (EDF) is looking for an industrial ph.d. student, to be supervised from the French university Mines Paris...
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Average and Marginal CO2eq emission factors
Published Feb 22, 2021On Friday the 4th, a seminar/discussion about Marginal and Average CO2 eq emission factors took place online. It had been organized by EGI PhD students to try to get a better understanding of this top...
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Wanted: ventilation team for buildings post corona
KTH Live-In Lab wants to find partners interested in how to ensure risk free indoor space during a challenge such as the corona virus. Published Feb 03, 2021Will ventilation systems in future buildings be designed in a different way to minimize spread of bacteria and virus? This question is raised by KTH Live-In Lab who’s looking for new partners to solve...
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Successful PhD defence by Jenny Gabriela Pena Balderrama
Published Feb 02, 2021On the 18th December 2020, Jenny Gabriela Pena Balderrama from the division of Energy Systems KTH-dES, successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Exploring low-carbon development pathways for ...
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FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar series
Published Jan 26, 2021This FAO series — organized in collaboration with SEI and KTH Royal Institute of Technology — introduces nexus concepts and gives examples of current efforts and best practices in the Near East and No...
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Chang Su makes district heating more sustainable
Published Dec 08, 2020Chang Su's IRIS related research about the decarbonization of the Swedish district heating sector has received funding from the Swedish Energy Agency.
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EGI writes energy history with the heat pump
The heat pump technology would prove to be a good fit in the country of Sweden, mainly due to our cold climate. Photo: Malin on Unsplash Published Dec 08, 2020The oil crisis of the 70s marked the start of an energy transition where the heat pump would become something of a success story in Sweden. Björn Palm at the Department of Energy Technology (EGI) talk...
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Emma Nyholm Humire receives best thesis award
Published Dec 04, 2020Emma Nyholm Humire has received her best thesis award - Ebbe Lyths Stipendium at Svenska Kyl och Värmepump dagen.
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Alumni meet-up confirms life after graduation
Published Nov 18, 2020There is a life after graduation. This was clear at the alumni meetup for the Master program Sustainable energy engineering, SEE on Friday. Alumni, faculty and currents students, met on zoom for inspi...
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Climate footprint can be cut by half with co-living
Shared areas such as kitchen and dining rooms can reduce climate footprint and facilitate social gatherings. Photo of Testbed Akademiska Hus by Alexandra von Kern Published Nov 18, 2020The climate footprint per person can be reduced by more than 50 percent if the homes are designed to share common areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. This is shown by research from KTH in Live-In La...
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Temporary change of recommendations
Published Nov 03, 2020Due to new recommendations for the Stockholm region from the Public Health Agency there will be temporary changes in KTH’s recommendations.
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Research on Heat Pumps and Refrigeration - with ETT involved
Published Oct 20, 2020Swedish Energy Authority has supported research on heat pumps and refrigerating technology since 1970-es. The research done on the area has led to many concrete and positive effects in the society. ...
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In memory of Peter Kjaerboe
Published Oct 19, 2020Our colleague and friend to many of us Peter Kjaerboe has passed away September 2020. Researcher, innovator, civil engineer and an inspiring person has left many good memories behind him.
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Third prize in the Eurammon contest won by our student
Published Oct 08, 2020One of our students, Fabio Giunta, has been awarded third place in the Eurammon Natural Refrigeration Award 2020 contest
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New successful publication
Published Oct 08, 2020Paper by our colleagues has recently become one of the most downloaded according to the statistics by the Interantational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
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