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Finishing your thesis work

When you are about to finish your thesis work, it is important to think in advance about the steps to take for having your grade registered in the system. Please note that it may take longer than you think to receive your final degree and therefore allow about three weeks for your grade registration and another six weeks for your diploma to be issued.

Upon completion of your thesis work, please take the following steps in order to have your grade registered :

STEP 1. Examiner /Supervisor should send and email to ITM administrator  and request a registration number for the thesis. For that, following information should be provided:

  • student's full name
  • supervisor/examiner’s name

When ready, please initiate this step together with your supervisor. When this number is received by the Supervisor it will be communicated to you.

STEP 2. When the final version of your thesis is ready and a grade has been awarded, the Supervisor/Examiner sends in the approved final thesis in a pdf file with the file name Lastname Firstname Thesis registration number.pdf along with the grade awarded to your project to the ITM administrator  with a mandatory copy to the EGI thesis administrator .

Please thus help your supervisor by sending in the final, approved, graded version of your thesis after inserting the thesis registration number on the Thesis in the designated place. Please also make sure that you have an abstract of the thesis both in Swedish and English at the begining of the report before you send in the very last version of the same to your supervisor (even if the thesis had been written in English it is required to have the abstract both in Swedish and English).

STEP 3. Thesis grade will appear in LADOK and My Pages within 3 weeks after the submission of the final thesis file and the grade to the MSc thesis administrator.

STEP 4. According to KTH Rector's decision all theses will be published in DIVA by MSc thesis administrator.

A printed version of your thesis is not required. However, if you wish to print your thesis work, you can discuss this possibility with your supervisor or do it on your own. The department is not covering these expenses. Just make sure that you use the KTH template for the cover page  when ordering a printout.

After thesis grade registration you can apply for your degree certificate.