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Starting your thesis work

These instructions are provided for students who are starting a MSc thesis work that is valued to 30 credits (hp) or Civilingenjör examensarbete that is valued to 30 credits (hp)

Before starting working on the MSc thesis every student should get registered for thesis work. The information below will guide you through the documents containing instructions on what to do step by step.

STEP 1. Decide on your research topic and find a supervisor

STEP 2. Fill in the application form: Application for thesis project (pdf 664 kB)  sign and pass it to your supervisor. If you are doing your thesis at a company, this Thesis agreement (pdf 142 kB)   must be signed.

! Please note that all publications (including student theses) by KTH should be published in DIVA as long as these do not have any copyright restrictions or other obstacles (Read more) . A respective YES/NO box should be ticked in the application.

When your application is ready, your supervisor will fill in the corresponding course code, sign and send the form to the ITM administrator  with a mandatory copy to the EGI administrator  for registration.

STEP 3. While your thesis is being registered, you can start your thesis work which should last about 20 weeks. Start and end dates should be discussed and set together with your supervisor.

Please see detailed instructions on what to do to find a topic for your thesis work, a supervisor and other logistics in the Instructions on finding a thesis topic and a supervisor (pdf 112 kB)

Additionally, you can use this thesis template (docx 528 kB)  for writing your report (please make sure that your supervisor agrees with using it and that there are no additional requirements, as it can slightly differ from one division to another within the Department of Energy Technology).

Some general requirements for writing your thesis can also be of help for you. Please read more in Some general requirements  on performing a Master of Science Thesis (pdf 22 kB)