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Country OSeMOSYS model presentations

Published Jul 12, 2018

Summer School 'Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development'

The four-week Summer School on Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development  came to an end. The Summer School was organised by UNDP, UNDESA, ICTP, KTH and University of Cambridge and held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)  in Trieste, Italy. In the last week, the six groups attending the OSeMOSYS track presented the Electricity system country models they had been developing for the duration of the entire Summer School to all the participants. The six models provide insights on potential development pathways for the electricity systems of Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Ethiopia and Mauritius, accounting for current policies (and proposed new policies) and resource use constraints. Two of the models were also showcased during plenary presentations at the High-Level Meeting held on June 28th and 29th. The High-Level Meeting also involved some panel discussions with the participants on how to improve and develop capacity in their respective universities and organizations on the usage of open tools to facilitate policy formulation.