Student Theses in Energy Systems Drive Global Sustainability and Local Innovation
Allyson Steffany Botett with her supervisors in her master thesis presentation day. Published Nov 27, 2024Students collaborating with the Energy Systems (ES) Division for their thesis projects have the unique opportunity to work with real-world challenges and make meaningful contributions to global and lo...
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Sustainable Energy Technology Programme Students Drive Impact in Climate-Neutral Stockholm Project
Published Nov 27, 2024Recently, four students from various KTH programs—Magdalena Smolic, Zin Haji, Hsu-Kai Weng,—alongside a student from Uppsala University, Maurine Luquet, collaborated with Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, ...
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Consortium meeting of the EU project IAM COMPACT here at KTH
IAMcompact KTH’s team members – Dr.Francesco Gardumi, Chamindie Senaratne and PhD student Camilla Lo Giudice Published Oct 03, 2024On September 30th and October 1st, KTH had the privilege of hosting the 2024 General Assembly of the IAM COMPACT project. Our team from the Energy Systems division has been involved since last year an...
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KTH dES at the EMP-G in Trieste: enhancing capacity bulding and cooperation for a sustainable future
Trainers and students of the 2024 CLEWs track of the ICTP energy modelling platform summer school. Published Aug 29, 2024The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) took part in August at the Energy Modelling Platform – Joint Global Training School 2024 (EMP-G) hosted by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICT...
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KTH Africa Days Event: Fostering Collaboration and Sustainability
Published Feb 07, 2024In a bid to underscore its dedication to fostering collaboration and sustainable development initiatives across Africa, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) recently hosted its much-anticipated Afr...
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KTH secures funding for Climate Compatible Growth
Participants from a CCG workshop in Kenya about “Whole energy system model” in May 2023. KTH’s Agnese Beltramo and Roberto Heredia lead it together with two colleagues from the University College London. Published Jan 08, 2024KTH has secured extended funding for the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) project*. The collaborative initiative, targeting effective energy sector policies in countries of the global south, has alread...
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KTH dES publishes a new groundbreaking open-access course on clean cooking access modeling
Published Dec 08, 2023OnStove, the revolutionary geospatial clean cooking tool developed by the division of Energy Systems (dES) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, takes a giant leap forward with the release of an open-...
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New Doctoral Position for Innovative Climate-Land-Energy-Water Systems Modeling
Published Nov 14, 2023The Division of Energy Systems within the Department of Energy Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), opens new Doctoral position focused on advancing integrated Climate-Land-Energy-Wa...
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New Assistant Professor opening in digitalization for sustainable energy systems
Published Sep 08, 2023The School of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH is pleased to announce an opening for the position of Assistant Professor in the field of Energy Technology with specialization in Digitaliza...
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How research cooperation could contribute to achieving the Vision 2030 in the Nordic Region?
Published Sep 08, 2023The Nordic Council of Ministers has a vision to make the Nordic Region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. How can research contribute to realizing Nordisk Råd og Nordisk ...
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Innovative PhD Opportunity: Circular Recovery Models for Sustainable Urban Waste Management
Published Sep 07, 2023Are you passionate about sustainability and eager to contribute to a circular economy? KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites motivated individuals to apply for an exciting PhD position within the ...
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Exciting PhD Opportunity in Energy Systems Research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology!
Published Sep 07, 2023Are you passionate about advancing renewable energy systems and sustainability? KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites aspiring researchers to apply for an exciting new PhD position at the Division...
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KTH researcher is a lead author in the GEO-7 report
The first Global Author's Meeting for the GEO-7 Report was in Bangkok. Published Mar 23, 2023In March 2023, hundreds of environmental experts gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, for the first authors' meeting of the Seventh Edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) of the UN Environment Pr...
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Replacing wood and charcoal stoves in Africa could save half a million lives every year
A new study assigns actual value to the negative aspects of traditional cooking methods in the developing world, including lost time due to collecting wood or other burnable biomass. Pictured, women carry firewood for cooking at home in Kenya. (Photo: Youssef Boulkaid) Published Jan 12, 2023Half a million lives could be saved each year in sub-Saharan Africa by taking action to reduce reliance on traditional wood- and charcoal-burning stoves, a new study shows.
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“I want my research to matter”
Published Mar 17, 2021He is passionate about sustainable development. Francesco Fuso Nerini’s motive to make his work known to others is simple: to make a difference. ”As researchers we have a duty to produce quality resea...
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Accelerating the transition to clean and modern cooking for the 3 billion people without access
Photo credit: Youssef Boulkaid Published Mar 10, 2021More than 3 billion people worldwide still do not have access to clean cooking, which results in around 4 million premature deaths annually related to household air pollution (WHO, 2018), and in a num...
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Successful PhD defence by Jenny Gabriela Pena Balderrama
Published Feb 02, 2021On the 18th December 2020, Jenny Gabriela Pena Balderrama from the division of Energy Systems KTH-dES, successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Exploring low-carbon development pathways for ...
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FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar series
Published Jan 26, 2021This FAO series — organized in collaboration with SEI and KTH Royal Institute of Technology — introduces nexus concepts and gives examples of current efforts and best practices in the Near East and No...
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The division of Energy Systems at the UN-Habitat World Habitat day
Published Oct 06, 2020Keynote presentation on the World Habitat day about climate change challenges and opportunities for the decarbonisation of cities.
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Successful PhD defence by Fumi Harahap
From left to right: Fumi Harahap and professor Semida Silveira Published May 28, 2020On April 24th, 2020, Fumi Harahap from the division of Energy Systems KTH-dES, successfully defended her PhD thesis “Exploring synergies between the palm oil industry and bioenergy production in Indon...
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