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Scenarios Forum 2019 at the University of Denver

Published Mar 28, 2019

March 11-13

The first edition of the Scenarios Forum  took place at the University of Denver (Colorado,USA) from 11 - 13 of March. The meeting, organised by International Committee on New Integrated Climate change assessment Scenarios (ICONICS)  and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures , counted with over 300 participants from different communities involved in the use and development of scenarios. The forum was a great opportunity to take stock on scenario formulation and development for policy analysis in sustainability-related topics, as well as to learn and discuss about future work and existing gaps. In combination with plenary sessions on key themes, such as the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) - Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) framework, the contribution to the IPCC and to global assessments, adaptation and vulnerability studies; other important topics were discussed in 36 parallel sessions. SSP extension frameworks, scenario development methodologies, multi-scale scenario development, SDGs, governance and communication, assessment of extreme events, were among the extensive variety of topics presented and discussed during the forum days. A poster session was also included the event, where KTH-dESA PhD candidate  presented work lead by KTH-dESA PhD candidate  on the vulnerability of Uganda’s electricity sector to climate change.