Cooperation between Supermarkets and Real Estate Owners; Energy Efficiency and Business Models
The overall aim of the project is to demonstrate, using theoretical calculations, modelling, energy measurements, monitoring and business model evaluation, that a collaboration for efficient use of heating, cooling and air conditioning between real estate and supermarkets owners can be achievable for both parties.
Today, there are about 4000 Supermarkets in Sweden, and those account for about 3% of Swedish electricity use. Supermarkets have the potential to reduce overall energy use through delivering heating and air conditioning to stores and neighbouring buildings.
The overall aim of the project is to demonstrate, using theoretical calculations, modelling, energy measurements, monitoring and business model evaluation, that a collaboration for efficient use of heating, cooling and air conditioning between real estate and supermarkets owners can be achievable for both parties.
During the project, at least four case studies are investigated with focus on cooling, heat recovery and air conditioning. The results from the project will lead to the implementation of at least two cases of collaboration between supermarkets and real estate owners. The energy and business models that will be developed during the project will be freely available for the different stakeholders in the project.

Project publications
Journal papers:
Steuer, D., Termens, J., Arias, J., Sawalha, S., Thermal energy export from supermarket refrigeration systems: Drivers and barriers. Energy Reports, 2024. Volume 12, Pages 5875-5885.
Conference papers:
Steuer, D., Andersson, E., Josefsson, F., Sawalha, S., Arias, J., Cooperation for heat recovery from a supermarket's CO2 refrigeration system (pdf 1.1 MB) , 15th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants in Trondheim, Norway, 2022. DOI:
Steuer, D., Josefsson, F., Arias, J., Sawalha, S., Optimising a supermarket refrigeration system with heat recovery to minimise operational costs (pdf 934 kB) , 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Paris, France, 2023. DOI:
Steuer, D., Almebäck, J., Magnius, R., Arias, J., Sawalha, S., Techno-economic analysis of heat export from supermarket refrigeration systems: field measurements a (pdf 937 kB) , 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Paris, France, 2023. DOI:
M.Sc. thesis reports:
Edwin Andersson, Cooperation for Heat Recovery: A Case Study on Heat Utilization From a Supermarket Refrigeration System. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2021. URL: Cooperation for Heat Recovery: A Case Study on Heat Utilization from a Supermarket Refrigeration System
Filip Josefsson, Optimizing Energy System in a Supermarket: A case study analysis. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2022. URL: Optimizing Energy System in a Supermarket: A case study analysis
Julia Almebäck and Rebecka Magnius, Heat Export from Supermarkets: Refrigeration Systems Field Measurements and a Techno-economic Analysis. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2022. URL: Heat Export from Supermarkets: Refrigeration Systems Field Measurements and a Techno-economic Analysis
Aida Rossell Magriñá, A field measurements study of a supermarket refrigeration system with heat recovery. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2024. URL: A field measurements study of a supermarket refrigeration system with heat recovery
B.Sc. thesis reports:
Christ Asadour and Teodor Nymark, Litteraturstudie - Energieffektivisering av livsmedelsbutiker genom nyttjande av överskottsvärme. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2023. URL: Litteraturstudie - Energieffektivisering av livsmedelsbutiker genom nyttjande av överskottsvärme
Henriksson, G., Iarca, I., Ågren, L., Avtal och affärsmodeller för värmeåtervinning från livsmedelsbutiker. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2024. URL: Avtal och affärsmodeller för värmeåtervinning från livsmedelsbutiker
Josep Termens and Daniel Steuer, Befintliga affärsmodeller mellan livsmedelsbutiker och fastighetsägare för leverans av energi. CIT Renergy (Relivs) & KTH, 2023. Befintliga affärsmodeller samverkan (pdf 1.8 MB)
Termens, J., Steuer, D.,Arias, J., Sawalha, S., Exportera värme från livsmedelskyla - en vägledning för dig butikschef. CIT Renergy (Relivs) & KTH, 2024. Heat recovery guidance for supermarkets (pdf 3.4 MB)
Termens, J., Steuer, D.,Arias, J., Sawalha, S., Exportera värme från livsmedelskyla - en vägledning för dig fastighetsägare. CIT Renergy (Relivs) & KTH, 2024. Heat recovery guidance for property owners (pdf 4.8 MB)
Relevant publications
External reports:
Belok, Samverkan för värmeutvinning från livsmedelsbutiker Relivs – Resurseffektiv livsmedelshantering. 2020-01-31. Executed by Josep Termens.
Journal papers:
Fabio Giunta and Samer Sawalha, Techno-economic analysis of heat recovery from supermarket's CO2 refrigeration systems to district heating networks. Applied Thermal Engineering. Volume 193, 2021. URL: Techno-economic analysis of heat recovery from supermarket’s CO2 refrigeration systems to district heating networks
Mateu-Royo, C., Sawalha, S., Mota-Babiloni, A., and Navarro-Esbrí, J., High temperature heat pump integration into district heating network. Energy Conversion and Management. Volume 210, 2020. URL: High temperature heat pump integration into district heating network
Karampour, M., Mateu-Royo, C. Rogstam, J., and Sawalha, S., Geothermal storage integration into a supermarket's CO2 refrigeration system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019. Volume 106, Pages 492-505. URL: Geothermal storage integration into a supermarket's CO2 refrigeration system
Mazyar Karampour and Samer Sawalha, Energy efficiency evaluation of integrated CO2 trans-critical system in supermarkets: A field measurements and modelling analysis. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017. Volume 82, Pages 470-486. URL: Energy efficiency evaluation of integrated CO2 trans-critical system in supermarkets: A field measurements and modelling analysis
Supermarket | City/Municipality |
ICA Nära Humlegården | Stockholm |
ICA Maxi Stenhagen | Uppsala |
ICA Focus | Gothenburg |
City Gross Ytterby | Kungälv |
City Gross Mantorp | Mantorp |
City Gross Eskilstuna | Eskilstuna |
Hemköp Lundby Park | Gothenburg |
Hemköp Stadshagen | Stockholm |
Lidl Sveavägen | Stockholm |