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Accelerating innovation in buildings

The research aims at identifying and overcoming problem areas that hinders innovation in the built environment. Also whether current governance structures regarding planning, production and operation of buildings promote change and innovation.

By change and innovation we mean incentives to invest in and install technologies promoting resource-efficient operation throughout the building's expected lifetime, and also the ability of existing governance structures to foster collective action towards the creation of better and fairer living conditions. Change or transformation in this aspect involves not only financial and technological aspects, but also the relationships between social, economic, financial, cultural, and political aspects.


For further information about the research or concerning future co-operation please contact:


Journal articles

Anund Vogel, J., Lundqvist, P., Blomkvist, P., Arias, J., 2015, Problem areas related to energy efficiency implementation in Swedish multifamily building, Energy Efficiency, DOI: 10.1007/s12053-015-9352-4

Anund Vogel, J., Lundqvist, P., Arias, J., 2015, Categorizing barriers to energy efficiency in buildings, Energy Procedia, Volume 75, August 2015, Pages 2839–2845

Anund Vogel, J., Lind, H., Lundqvist, P., 2016, Who is Governing the Commons: Studying Swedish Housing Cooperatives, Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2016.1186730

Vogel, J.A., Lind, H., Holm, C. 2019. Incentivising innovation in the construction sector: the role of consulting contracts. Construction Economics and Building, 19:2, 181-196.

Other publications

Anund Vogel, J., Lind, H., Lundqvist, P., 2017, Att styra allmänniungar - En studie av svenska bostadsrättsföreningar, Ekonomisk Debatt, nr 2

Anund Vogel, J. Novack A, Bohn Stoltz D,. 2017, KTH Live-In Lab - Testbädd för boende och byggrelaterade miljöinnovationer, Bygg & Teknik. (pdf 2.3 MB)

Molinari M, Anund Vogel, J., Lazzarotto A., Acuna J,. 2017, KTH Live-In Lab - Testbädd för ökad innoavtion i bygg- och fastighetssektorerna, Kyla & Värme, Volume 7. (pdf 4.2 MB)

Anund Vogel, J. Shared responsibility for faster development of new technology (LIL Chronicle may -19)

Anund Vogel, J. Societal Structures Inhibit Innovation in the Construction Industry (LIL Chronicle nov -17)

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Prosumer-Centric Communication for Solar PV Diffusion (completed)
Towards Sustainable (Fossil-free) Heating System in Small Residential Buildings
Solar energy and ground source heat pumps for Swedish multi-family housing (completed)
Solar photovoltaic systems in Swedish cooperative housing (completed)
Smart Control Strategies for Heat Pump Systems (completed)
Creating and Understanding Smart Innovation in Cities
Building heating solutions in China
Accelerating innovation in buildings
High-Resolution GIS District Heating Source-Load Mapping
Digitalization and IoT technologies for Heat Pump systems
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