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Creating and Understanding Smart Innovation in Cities

This project aims to identify the key factors regarding Cleantech innovation creation and the understanding in how the innovation process for Cleantech works in an urban environment.


The new Energy Efficiency Directive by the European Commission makes it a legal obligation for the member states to cut energy consumption by 20 percent by the year 2020. This is one among many initiatives that are putting higher demand on governments and the global population in order to decrease the use of energy. Since the majority of the global population lives in urban areas, cities are important actors in the global energy system and possess a high potential in the process of reducing the global use of energy. In order to reach the global energy goals and to not jeopardize the ability for future generations to meet their own needs, it is essential to develop new technologies and to innovate existing technologies.

Bearing this in mind, cities can be seen as innovation arenas and platforms for fostering innovation.


In the CUSIC project are, so far, two case studies used to understand how innovation can be generated in an urban environment; 100Hus Miljö in Stockholm, Sweden,  and Wuxi Sino-Swedish EcoCity  in China.  


Control systems for hybrid solutions based on biomass fueled Stirling engines, solar and wind for rural electrification
Prosumer-Centric Communication for Solar PV Diffusion (completed)
Towards Sustainable (Fossil-free) Heating System in Small Residential Buildings
Solar energy and ground source heat pumps for Swedish multi-family housing (completed)
Solar photovoltaic systems in Swedish cooperative housing (completed)
Smart Control Strategies for Heat Pump Systems (completed)
Creating and Understanding Smart Innovation in Cities
Building heating solutions in China
Accelerating innovation in buildings
High-Resolution GIS District Heating Source-Load Mapping
Digitalization and IoT technologies for Heat Pump systems
Data driven lab for building energy systems