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AROMA - Aeroelastic Reduced Order Modeling and Analysis

The project focuses on the development of a comprehensive numerical tool for the aeroelastic analysis of advanced turbomachinery components. The tool takes into account both aerodynamic damping and forcing which makes fluid-structure coupled analyses possible. Furthermore it allows including mistuning both on the structural as well as the aerodynamic sides. The tool thereby spans the entire chain from aerodynamic phenomena over structural aspects to material lifing.

Despite the fact that all blades in a turbomachine blade row are seemingly identical, they are not. Small deviations due to manufacturing tolerances, individual wear or damage lead to small deviations in blade vibratory characteristics and loading. This effect is known as “mistuning” and can occur on the structural side as well as on the aerodynamic side. As engine components are pushed to their limits it is necessary to account for mistuning effects already early in the design phase to a) avoid negative surprises during engine development and b) make use of beneficial effects of intentional mistuning.

To enable short calculation time it is necessary to reduce the size of the underlying model as much as possible without losing in accuracy. This will be achieved by using so-called Reduced Order Models (ROM), both for the structural as well as the aerodynamic properties. The degree of reduction of the employed models is thereby variable thus bearing on computational efficiency and achievable accuracy. The tool is being developed for integration into existing industrial design routines and existing design tools. Simple though efficient operation has been set as prerequisite to allow experienced design engineers performing numerical mistuning analyses as part of their daily work. Consequently the interaction with industrial end users is high already in an early stage of the project.


2006-01-01 - 2009-06-30

Project Partners

Volvo Aero

Project Lead

Hans Mårtensson, Volvo Aero


Maria Mayorca
Dr. Damian Vogt


NFFP Vinnova


Aeroelasticity, Aeromechanical, CFD, Compressor, Fatigue, FEM, Flutter, Forced response, Gas Turbine, HCF, Lifing, Mistuning, Numerical tool, Resonance, ROM, Stability, Turbine, Vibration

Page responsible:Jens Fridh
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Sep 07, 2020
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