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TurboVib - Development and Validation of Prediction Models for Assessing the Life of Turbomachinery Components with Respect to Vibration

Project within the TURBOPOWER consortium involving Swedish gas turbine industry (Volvo Aero, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery) and Swedish academia. The project focuses on the life of turbomachinery components with respect to vibration and spans the disciplines of aerodynamics (aerodynamic damping and aerodynamic forcing), structural damping and solid mechanics (material lifing). Given the interdisciplinary nature it is carried out at three different departments at KTH, namely KTH Energy Technology, KTH Sound and Vibration Research and KTH Solid Mechanics.

The present trend towards a sustainable energy society by producing lighter, greener and more powerful turbomachines presents a severe challenge to their mechanical integrity. Higher aerodynamic loads, closer blade-row spacings and lighter bladings promote flow-induced vibrations such as flutter or forced response that can lead to High Cycle Fatigue (HCF). Reliability and availability of these turbomachines can only be guaranteed by using accurate and validated prediction and design tools for all features involved, i.e. fluid and structure.

In order to address the HCF problem in turbomachines, it is necessary to dissect it into manageable units. This is best done on a phenomenological basis. The causes of vibratory problems are unsteady loads acting on components. In the turbomachinery context these loads are usually due to unsteady fluid forces that can be classified as forced response (external excitation) and flutter (self-excited). As these forces act on components they can lead to vibrations depending on the solid properties (mass, stiffness) and the overall damping. Finally the life of a given component depends on the resulting vibratory stress level and the HCF material properties.

Following this consideration of the HCF problem the following disciplines are involved:

- unsteady aerodynamics
- damping
- solid mechanics

To yield correct predictions for the life of turbomachine components with respect to vibration it is therefore essential to have validated models for each of the involved disciplines.


2008-01-01 - 2011-12-31

Project Partners

KTH Energy Technology
KTH Sound and Vibration Research
KTH Solid Mechanics
Volvo Aero
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery

Project Lead

Dr. Damian Vogt, KTH


Maria Mayorca (KTH Energy Technology)
Nenad Glodic (KTH Energy Technology)
Florian Fruth (KTH Energy Technology)
Jia Sun (KTH Sound and Vibration)
Prof Leif Kari (KTH Sound and Vibration)
Salar Sadek (KTH Solid Mechanics)
Prof Mårten Olsson (KTH Solid Mechanics)




Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, CFD, Coating, Damping, Fatigue, FEM, Fluid-structure interaction, Flutter, Forced Response, Unsteady

Dissemination Activities

Vogt. D.M., Glodic, N., Fransson, T.H., 2009, "The Effect of Unsteady Aerodynamic Asymmetric Perturbations on the Mode Shape Sensitivity of an Oscillating LPT Cascade", Paper presented at the 12th ISUAAAT Symposium in London, UK, September 1-4, 2009

Abstract (pdf 29 kB)

Gomez, C., 2009, "Investigation of Effects of Aerodynamic Mistuning on Aerodamping in an Oscillating LPT Cascade – Part I: Direct Simulations of Influence Coefficients", MSC thesis No EKV2009:771

Abstract (pdf 31 kB)

Mårtensson, H., Forsman, J., Eriksson, M., 2009, "Simplified Forced Response HCF Assessment of Turbomachinery Blades", ASME Paper GT2009-60166

Abstract (pdf 30 kB)
Page responsible:Jens Fridh
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Sep 07, 2020
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