Oskarshamn CLEWs
Cities are key contributors to climate change, responsible for as much as 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. More and more cities are responding to this by developing ambitious climate mitigation strategies, improving their energy efficiency and switching to more “climate-friendly” fuels and technologies. However, climate, land, energy and water (CLEW) systems are interconnected, with resource uses and policies for one sector affecting the others.
This project investigates the direct and indirect impacts on water and land resources of a local strategy for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation of the Oskarshamn municipality in southern Sweden. Multiple scenarios
A Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) model of the municipal energy system is being developed that, in addition to energy sector inputs, includes water consumption and withdrawal data as well as land-use requirements for each technology option in the Oskarshamn energy system. A set of development scenarios are then analysed based on both how well they meet local and regional climate mitigation goals and on the magnitudes and patterns of their effects on local, national and international water and land resources.
Support for this project comes from NOVA FoU and the strategic research program Ekoklim at Stockholm University.